Google+ is a vividly used social network which is easily accessible through your Gmail account. Google+ allows you to get rid of undesirable stuff in your Google+ stream.

If a particular person, page or post is irritating you or if you are getting distracted from too many notifications coming your way, then Google+ allows you with options to mute those specific notification posts or person.

While you mute a specific person, page or post, you do not need to make any changes to your overall notification settings for your Google+ profile.

Mute a Person or Page on Android

For selecting the mute option while operating Google+ through its Google+ app on your Android phone, all thatyou need to do is as follows:

1. Open your Google+ app.
2. Go to that person’s profile or go to that page which you want to mute.
3. Touch menu icon.
4. Click Mute.
5. Click OK.

Mute a Person or Page on iOS

If you are an iOS user and need to mute a person or page on Google+, follow the below written steps:

1. Open the Google+ app.
2. Go to that person’s profile or go to that page which you want to mute notifications from.
3. Touch Menu to get a list of options.
4. Select Mute.
5. Click on Mute for confirmation.

Mute a Person or Page through your Desktop

For setting a person or page on mute through your desktop, do as follows:

1. Open Google+.
2. Open the profile of the person or the page that you want to mute notifications from.
3. Click the arrow placed below their profile picture and info.
4. Choose the Mute option.
5. Click on Mute to confirm your decision.

Unmute Option

In case you accidentally set someone or mute or if you wish to un mute them after a while, all that you have to do is to follow the same process but select the Unmute option this time.

Mute Option Aims

When you mute someone, Google+ will no longer send you notifications from that person or page. You will not get to know when that person will share a post with you. Nor will you be notified on their comments to your posts.

Though you can browse through your Google+ stream and find their updates there. Also, you can check their profile or check that specific page to see what updates has been made.

Mute a Post

Muting a post stops you from receiving any notifications from that specific post. It also removes that post from your Google+ stream completely. In order to do so, follow the below written steps:

On Android

1. Open the Google+ app.
2. Touch that post > menu icon> Mute> OK
On iOS
1. Open the Google+ app.
2. Touch that post >  menu > Mute post > Yes

On Desktop

1. Open Google+.
2. Hover over that post > click the arrow at the top of the post > Mute post

To unmute that post again, you will have to follow the same steps that you used to mute it but select the Unmute option this time.

Use these options and stay relaxed while you enjoy your time on Google+, sharing your views and hearing from others.