8 Amazing Facts About Elephants?

The word elephant is generated from the Greek word that is “Elephas” which means “Ivory”.
We can call Elephants the largest Land Animal in the world.
Elephants are the only mammal that can’t jump.
The average weight of Elephant’s heart is 27 to 46 pound. They have a highly developed brain; their brain is 3 to 4 times larger than the humans. They have a low pulse rate that is 27 and have poor eyesight but have an amazing sense of smell.
The elephants have the longest gestation period than any other animal on the land; it takes a female elephant 22 months from conception to give birth. At the time of birth, the average weight of a newborn baby elephant is 90 kg and about 3 feet tall.
An elephant can reproduce at the age of 16 but they rarely have 4 children in their lifetime.
Elephants have high hearing power then the humans they can hear another elephant trumpeting calls up to 5 miles i.e., 8 kilometers away.
The elephant has thin and large ears which are made up of the complex network of blood vessels. Blood circulates from their ears which radiates the excess heat away from their body and help to cool them down at high temperature. They are capable of hearing sound waves well below which humans cannot hear.
The average life of an elephant is from 50 to 70 years. The oldest elephant in the world is lived for 86 years as per last records.
The largest weighed elephant is of 24000 pounds in Anglo 1956 whose shoulder height was 3.96 meters.
To save from getting sunburned Elephants to protect themselves with sand.
The African elephants have the best sense of smell that is why they are called the animal kingdom. Their trunk has more than 40,000 muscles in it.
The elephant trunk is the fusion of its upper lip and nose; they lift their food and suck up water into their mouth by using their trunk. They have the superpower in their trunk as they can sense the size, shape, and temperature of an object from their trunk.
They can easily pick up a blade of grass and strong enough to rip the branches off a tree.
Elephants also cry, play and have incredible memories like humans. Elephants can swim easily under deep water; they use their trunk to breathe like snorkel under water. They can suck up 14 liters of water at a time from their trunk and can blow up straight into their mouth.
At the time of bathing, they suck up water and spray it on their body from the trunk which removes mud and dirt from the body.
Elephant feet’s are covered with soft padding which helps them to prevent from slipping and uphold their weight. They cannot jump trot or gallop but they can walk silently without making any sound from their feet. They use their feet to listen, by putting their trunk on the ground and positioning their feet carefully.
Only three distinct species of elephant are now left in the world: The Asian elephant and Africa have the forest and savannah elephant species.
The tusk of an elephant is known as the modified incisors which grow till the elephant live. An adult male elephant tusk grows about 7 inches in a year.
Elephant Tusk is used by humans to dig for salt, water, and roots, to debark trees, to clear a path and occasionally in fights. Moreover, they are used for marking trees to establish an elephant’s territory.