Top 15 Animals That Start with Letter T

Earth, being a home planet to humans, is also home to animals. Since the emergence of life on Earth, animals have been regarded as friends or foes to humans since time immemorial.
They are found almost everywhere, in every corner of the Earth today; rather, they are land, oceans, swamps, snow, or your house! The wide varietal diversity of the animal kingdom is unexplainably special.
Following is a brief guide of both famous and lesser-known animals beginning with the letter T:
The first animal with the letter t that comes to mind of any person is a Tiger. They are the largest existing species of big cats that can stand about as tall as 4 feet with a general weight of 800 lbs if they are found in the wild, could be more in zoos!
Known for being one of the strongest predators, they are very fast and strong to capture their prey with their perfect anatomy and behavior. They are known for their:
Optimally, they are found in locations closer to a water source with lots of vegetation for hunting. Being solitary hunters, they are capable of hiding in bushes and tall grasses during the process of stalking their prey.
They are found in various forests such as evergreen, swamp, deciduous, mangrove, etc. Tigers can be found in countries like India, Bangladesh, Nepal, China, Bhutan, Malaysia, Cambodia, etc.
Being the first animal that starts with the letter t, Tamarins are small monkeys, generally weighing over 8-30 oz, which is widely found in tropical rainforests. Every individual species is known to vary from the next slightly. They can have any-colored fur; either is black, grey, red, white, orange, or golden.
A few of the famous species of Tamarins are:
These are generally found in forested regions with plenty of trees to hide in. Some of such habitats include rainforests, woodlands, scrub forests, etc. Most of the Tamarins are found In South America and some regions of Central America.
Most Tamarins are omnivores. A typical diet for them contains fruits, insects, small animals, plant parts such as flowers, leaves, sap and fruits, spiders, eggs, and many more. Humans have not domesticated them in any way.
One of the famous animals that start with t is a Tiger Shark. They are exceptionally large species of predatory sharks that can attain10-18 ft. long height with 800-1400lbs weight; their name comes from the dark striped patterns on their skin resembling those of a tiger that tends to fade away from time and age.
Tiger Sharks avoid arctic regions and prefer warm coastal water. Generally found in deep waters, they are known to be oceanic, requiring saltwater to sustain. They can be found close to tropical and subtropical coasts, ranging from New Zealand to Japan.
These sharks are called out to be picky eaters. Young tiger sharks primarily feed on squids or fishes, whereas after reaching a height of around 7 feet, they start feeding on sea birds, sea lions, turtles, other sharks, injured whales, dolphins, etc.
Tasmanian devil is a marsupial, an endangered species which are found in Tasmania. These are mammals with medium-length hair and tan-colored necklace, which are known to carry their young ones in their pouches.
A Tasmanian devil has short and round ears, sharp and canine teeth, and resembles a small bear with its appearance. They are found living in agricultural areas, coastal grasslands, and forests located near the coast of Australia. Earlier, they were found on the mainland of Australia, but now, they are exclusively found in the forests of Tasmania island on the eastern tip of Australia.
They are scavenging predators who eat about anything. Their preys include wombats, birds, possums, small mammals, squirts, frogs, etc.
While thinking of what animal starts with t, one is sure to think of Tuna. People today use many of their species as food for sushi. They are capable of maintaining their temperature in a way closely related to mammals.
They are placed under the genus ‘Thunnus’ including 8 different species:
They are known for their streamlined, torpedo-shaped muscular bodies with short finlets prior to their tail fins. Every species have their special distribution, some of them are found across the entire globe while others are found in specific locations. Tunas are famously found in the Pacific Ocean and the Indian Ocean, Atlantic Ocean, and in many more places.
All of the eight mentioned species are carnivores, i.e., they hunt for smaller animals as their food. These might include squids and fishes, invertebrates, etc.
One might feel it to be a mouse, but Titmouse is a group of birds known to live in North America. They are very small, with pointed feathers over their heads. Titmice belong to the Paridae family with their close relatives as tits and chickadees. Again, they include 5 varied species:
Even though each of the aforementioned species is known for its distinctive features, they are very similar concerning their shape and size, just like a cardinal. They have long tails, bodies shaped like teardrops. Titmice are mostly grey, tan, or cream-colored, weighing less than an ounce while being 5-6 inches long.
They are generally found in regions across North America, United States, and Mexico, in woodlands, groves, forests- either mixed or deciduous, parks, orchards, suburbs, etc.
These small yet super cute birds are omnivores who primarily feed on seeds, berries, nuts, and insects. Some of their prey are Snails, bees, beetles, spiders, caterpillars, larvae, etc.
One of the common animals beginning with t is Ticks. They are pesky critters found embedded on the skin of people and pets. They vary in size; smaller ticks might be a few millimeters in length while the larger ones go up to 5-6 millimeters.
Often found in a wide range of places, they prefer warm and humid habitats, such as low shrubs, leaf litters, etc. Most of their population is constituted in continents like Antarctica and the tropics. Some live across large regions, while a few occur in small areas.
They are parasites and feed on blood to survive. Hence, they primarily feed on mammals for food and other birds, reptiles, dogs, etc. Ticks are generally found at any place they land on or on the ears or face of animals.
Tarpons are big fish belonging to the Megalopidae family who is closely related to skipjacks ad ladyfish. 2 of the prominent species recognized within the family are Indo-Pacific and the Atlantic Tarpons. Atlantic tarpons are known to be the bigger of the two mentioned species.
They are presented with silver scales and elongated bodies reaching up to 6 ft in length while surpassing about 350 lbs of maximum weight. They are quite muscular, fast, and powerful, which makes them strong predators. They are found in both fresh as well as saltwater and feed on fish larvae, shrimps, crabs, etc.
One can find them in coastal regions, bays, lagoons, open oceans, and in any more places. While the Indo-Pacific species are found through the Indo-Pacific, with its range extending from Africa to Japan, the Atlantic species range outside the Atlantic Ocean. They are found in Africa, America, Europe, Florida, the US, etc.
Tarantulas, large hairy spiders with 8 legs, abdomen, and a cephalothorax, are a nightmare for many people. Tarantula bites hurt; they possess huge fangs which are known to inject venom.
They follow the process of molting for reproduction, wherein they shed their entire exoskeleton. Till this day and age, around 900 species of Tarantulas have been discovered living in a wide range of habitats; some live on treetops while others are below or on the ground.
Tarantulas can be found from rainforests to deserts, almost everywhere in places like America, Europe, Australia, Asia, Africa, etc. They mostly feed on insects, centipedes, other spiders, lizards, bats, snakes, etc.
Although no one has witnessed their presence in person, based on fossilized specimens, it has been claimed that they were roughly 12 ft. tall and 40 ft. long, making them one of the largest carnivores to roam on the planet to date.
They had very large hard, strong rear legs and small front legs.
Their name translates to the king of tyrant lizards concerning their incredibly disproportionate and huge-sized head and long teeth. They were presented with strong jaws and sharp teeth, capable of growing about 12 inches in length.
It has been believed that they used to prefer highly humid temperatures to live in, such as open forests, coastal swamps, and areas close to water sources. Many of their fossils have been found in North America, Montana, the US, and Canada.
A venomous snake widely found in the area around Australia, Taipan is placed under a taxonomic genus called Oxyuranus. Till this day and age, scientists have succeeded in recognizing three separate species in the Taipan genus, which are:
Island taipan
These small-scaled taipans have dark brown scales paired with a blackhead. Also called fierce snakes, they are particularly found in CentralEast Australia. Apart from being shy, they have a very powerful venom which is known to kill an adult man in about 35 minutes if not treated.
Coastal Taipan
These taipans have brown scales along with a reddish tint. They are considered the largest species of venomous snakes present in Australia. They have a massive size; still, they believe in their venom doing all the hard work while hunting for their prey.
Central Ranges Taipan
These taipans are presented with light and sandy-brown scales. They have been captured in Western Australia and were primarily described by the researchers in 2007.
Taipans, as recorded, generally reach a length of 5-6 ft. The longest of them all discovered was 9.5 ft. long; it has been claimed that they can reach around 11ft. in length too! They are carnivores who depend on other animals for food, such as rats, bandicoots, birds, mice, etc.
Terns are a large group of seagoing birds belonging to the Laridae family. With around 45 different species of these birds present today, all belonging to the Sterninae subfamily, every kind is different. What is common amongst all the terns are long bodies with highly disproportionate legs (which are short) and tails (which are long)
They range from 9-21 inches in length with long wings, with the heaviest of the terns weighing about 1.5 lbs. Some of the commonest species among Terns are:
Terns are known to closely associate with water, with their habitats primarily being saltwater or marine. They can be found on beaches, wetlands, coasts, sandbars, mudflats, etc. They are known to live and breed from Antarctica to the Arctic Circle.
Terns are piscivores when it comes to their diets. Piscivores? Well, they primarily depend on fish and other seafood as their prey. Some of them are small fishes and mammals, krills, crabs, squids, shrimps, lizards, etc.
Toucans are small birds famous for their exceptionally big beaks, which are brightly colored. They are longer and thicker when compared to their actual heads. Every toucan is different in its color, such as black, green, orange, red, etc. They vary in their size as well; it has been found that the largest among their species, the toco toucan, can grow about 2 ft. long.
Some of the various species of Toucans are:
They are generally found in warm regions with plenty of rainfall, such as rainforest canopies. They can also be seen in mountainous regions. Various species of toucans are known to live in South and Central America.
Toucans are frugivores and primarily depend on fruits as food. Yes, there are times when they might prey on eggs, small animals, frogs, lizards, etc.
Triggerfish are a part of the vast family of marine fishes which are widely found in saltwater aquariums. With colorful spots and stripes, they are very pretty and attractive. Triggerfish are medium or small-sized species that can grow longer and attain a maximum size of 3.3ft. Their bodies are colorful and oval-shaped, pointing at their mouth.
With the presence of around 40 different species, they are known to live in similar kinds of habitats. Triggerfishes are widely found in shallow waters along coral reefs, open oceans, tropical eaters, subtropical oceans, etc.
They primarily feed on invertebrates with hard bodies. Their food includes crabs, shrimp, starfish, sea cucumbers, etc. A few of the species are also known to feed on algae.
Turs are large goats generally found in the Caucasus mountains in the Russian Kavkaz system of mountains. They, like any other goat, are members of the genus Capra with the presence of 2 species:
Turs are muscular and large goats with the presence of long-curved horns. (Females have comparatively shorter horns than males) The largest male horns discovered to date were 3ft. long. Male tur weighs around 300 lbs or more!
They can be found in mountainous and rocky regions. They are herbivores are feed on plants for food; this includes a combination of buds, grasses, shrubs, leaves, or other parts of the plant.
The earth was made for beings and not just human beings. Considering the same, aforementioned are a few of the most prominent animals starting with the letter T explained briefly concerning their varieties, habitats, eating habits and appearances in which they are found in almost every corner of the world today.