10 Health Benefits and Surprising Uses of Vicks Vapor Rub

Vicks VapoRub is something we have all used since the time we were kids. Whenever you suffer through cold, Vicks VapoRub comes to rescue like one of the most common and trusted remedies.
Mothers give you warm water to drink and then rub Vicks on your chest so as to bring you a good night’s sleep.
But still, there are some unusual surprising uses for Vicks VapoRub that you are yet to know!
Vicks VapoRub has the power to relieve sore, overworked, achy muscles. Vicks is capable of increasing circulation and provide instant relief to your breaking muscles.
All you need to do is to use a good amount of Vicks VapoRub and apply it all over the aching area and then you can go to bed for some time to wake up free from all pain.
Vicks VapoRub acts as a natural insect repellant. So, the next time you want to get rid of flies or any other insects, you can rub Vicks VapoRub on your neck, inner knees, elbows, behind your ears and other open areas to keep insects away.
When you are out on the picnic and are ready to have lunch, you can open the bottle of Vicks on the table to keep flies away from your eating stuff. This is the most eco-friendly way to keep insects away. You no more need to kill them for keeping them away.
If you suspect a nail fungus, you should rub Vicks VapoRub on your toenails. Within a few days, your nail will turn dark, which indicates that Vicks is killing the fungus. Once your toenail grows out, the dark part can be cut off and you will be left with fungus-free feet.
It is advised that you keep applying VapoRub for a period of two weeks so as to get rid of any remaining bacteria.
Getting paper cuts, small cuts and splinters are very common whether you are the lady of the house or a kid working around with papers. In order to prevent infection, you can now apply a small amount of Vicks VapoRub on any of your small cuts or splinters. It will also speed up your healing time and give you faster relief.
Rubbing a small amount of Vicks VapoRub on your temples and forehead will make headaches leave you. Vicks’ mentholated scent efficiently releases the pressure in your head and gives you instant relief from headaches. It is also a promising home remedy for treating sinus headaches.
To get rid of sinus pain, you should apply Vicks under your nose and breathe deeply so that the menthol in it will calm your head down.
You must have heard of how the B-town actors use glycerin for crying during their shoots. Do you often play roles on stage at school or during cultural programs? Now you don’t need to actually cry for fulfilling your role’s acting needs.
Just pat a small quantity of Vicks VapoRub under your eyes to get the natural-looking teary effect. Please note that you must not apply any of it into your eyes or on your eyelids. Just pat it under your eyes.
This may sound a bit crazy but Vicks VapoRub can also be a good beauty product as it has the properties to alleviate acne. Apply it to acne several times a day and the acne will soothe and dry out. Vicks helps in giving you a clear skin by alleviating acne naturally.
Spread a thick layer of Vicks VapoRub onto your cracked heels and feet and pull on your cotton socks when going to bed. When you wake up in the morning, wash your feet and exfoliate the softened skin with a pumice stone.
Repeat this every night for completely healing your cracked heels and then showing off your healthy and smooth heels and feet.
Vicks VapoRub is an excellent moisturizer for dry skin. You can get amazing, smooth skin by rubbing a small amount of it on to your dry skin areas. If you apply VapoRub on your stretch marks, even they can get healed and you can get back your smooth skin. Apply regularly and get noticeable results within two weeks.
Do you have a mischievous cat as your pet? Now you can prevent your Miss Kitty from scratching over windows, walls, and doors by rubbing a small quantity of Vicks over those areas. Cats hate the smell of it and will therefore not be interested in tarnishing your window panes or walls again to get their claws on if you have Vicks applied to those areas.
Now you have ample of reasons to have Vicks VapoRub right in your home. Rush to a nearby drugstore to stock up some Vicks, which will save you not only from cold but from headaches, stretch marks, cuts and splinters, cat’s scratching and more.