All About Migraine: Symptoms, Types and Remedies for Migraine

A headache is something that most people have experienced at least once in their lifetime. But migraine isn’t simply a headache, it’s something more. A migraine headache is caused as a result of some specific changes in the brain. This results in severe pain in the head and this pain is often accompanied by light, smell or sound sensitivity.
Some of the most common symptoms of migraine include nausea, vomiting, and eye pain. Apart from this people have often described migraine being accompanied by a blinding pain that occurs only on one side of the head. Some have said that this pain feels like someone is pounding or hammering inside the head.
There isn’t just one type of migraine. There are several different kinds of migraines. This includes:
Common migraine has no aura of any kind. Also, it is named as such simply because this is the kind of migraine which is the most common.
Classic migraines do have an aura. This aura presents itself right before the headache starts. Classic migraines are worse than common migraines because the pain is higher.
Sometimes also known as silent migraine, people affected with Acephalgic migraine don’t have any kind of head pain. But they do see the aura and have other kinds of migraine symptoms like nausea.
People affected by this kind of migraine have symptoms that seem like a stroke. They might also have other symptoms like weakness on one part of the body, a constant tingling feeling and a loss of sensation.
This migraine can cause a temporary loss of vision in an eye. This loss in vision can last anywhere from a few minutes to even months. But this isn’t permanent and is reversible. This kind of migraine can indicate a serious medical condition underneath.
Chronic migraine is a recurring migraine that lasts for at least three consecutive months, for around half a month or for more than 15 days.
This is a constant migraine that stays for more than 72 hours. It is painful and prolonged.
Migraines, no matter of what kind, is generally accompanied by debilitating or constant pain for a period of time. There are a lot of over the counter medicines available which can treat migraine.
But it’s advisable that you first go to a doctor and get your migraine checked before consuming any kind of medicine for migraines. But that doesn’t mean there’s nothing you can do to soothe the symptoms of migraine. Here are some home remedies for migraines with which you won’t have to suffer.
Ginger has known nausea decreasing properties. Using ginger powder will help reduce the duration as well as the severity of the migraine. You will get the benefits that too without any kind of side effects.
Consuming a little amount of caffeine can help ease the pain in some people. But too much of it can cause the opposite effect and result in migraines. Apart from this, consuming caffeine too much can create a dependence on it which can be dangerous when there’s a withdrawal.
Inhaling lavender oil can help ease the symptoms of migraine pain. You can also opt to apply lavender essential oil on the temples if that works better for you. It’s said that using lavender oil during a migraine attack can give faster relief than those who smelled a placebo. As for the time, you should smell the lavender oil for at least 15 minutes.
In acupressure, the pressure is applied to specific points in the body to relieve pain, nausea and other kinds of symptoms. While there are a lot of differing opinions on the legitimacy and use of acupressure but it is actually a credible form of alternative therapy. If you suffer from chronic migraine pain then you should seek out relief through acupressure.
Migraine can be caused due to a variety of reasons, one of which involves food. There are a lot of different kinds of food that are known to trigger migraines. These include:
It is the compound menthol in peppermint oil which can prevent migraines from happening. A study found that gently putting a menthol solution on your temples and forehead was effective in getting rid of migraine-associated pain, light sensitivity, and nausea.
Sometimes magnesium deficiency is linked to migraine headaches. So taking magnesium oxide supplements can help prevent migraines that have an aura. But before taking magnesium supplements you can consider increasing intake of those food items which have more magnesium count in them. This includes almonds, cashews, peanut butter, sunflower seeds, eggs, milk, and oatmeal.
If you suffer from chronic and long migraines then you can consider taking up yoga. Yoga makes use of meditation, breathing and body postures to promote well being and health. Research has shown that yoga is useful in relieving the duration, frequency as well as the intensity of migraines.
Apart from this, yoga will help release tension in your body and improve anxiety. Yoga isn’t something that will begin working as a medicine. It is a lifestyle change that will help your overall health. But it will take time.
Feverfew is a kind of a flowering herb that looks like a daisy. Applying or smelling it is said to cure migraines. But there’s not enough scientific evidence to prove that it actually works. Yet enough people vouch for it and say that it does provide relief from their migraine symptoms without any kind of side effects.
Migraines and their symptoms are debilitating. It’s always advisable to seek medical help if it becomes unbearable. A proper medical check-up will also help you get the right medication to cure this issue.