What Are Dietary Supplements and Why Are They Important?

Most of the people among us are busy struggling with their daily life routine and during this, they forget taking their health seriously. We consume food with the idea of fueling ourselves in order to perform the next task of the day. It can be seen that none of us are focusing on the basic nutrients required by our bodies.
However, there are some people who are highly concerned about their health and try to maintain a balanced diet to stay healthy, even those individuals sometimes fail to maintain the nutrition requirement.
This imbalance causes a deficiency of some essential nutrients in our body. Most of the common nutrients that individuals lack in are calcium and vitamins.
We lack in essential nutrients such as vitamins, magnesium, potassium, and calcium, which result in micro-nutrient deficiencies.
Thus, taking dietary supplements every day has become extremely important to cope up with the daily nutrition requirement of the body and to boost our energy levels. Let’s understand what actually dietary supplements are.
As the name states, it is a substance that is taken to balance the deficiency of nutrients. Dietary supplements are in form of tablets, gel capsules and even powder, it is a blend of different nutrients and multivitamins.
You can easily find dietary supplements of some common vitamins, minerals, and nutrients such as the omega 3 fatty acids, folic acid, calcium, iron, and vitamins. Apart from these common supplements, you can find many other specific nutrients.
Dietary supplements were initially introduced to treat deficiencies and now they are being prescribed to meet the initial nutrient requirement of individuals struggling to keep up with their health.
People are falling behind in maintaining their dietary levels; this increases the risk of diseases and deficiencies. Nowadays, dietary supplements have become an essential part of the lives of those above 30 years, because the capacity of the body to produce and retain nutrients starts decreasing.
If you are taking a sufficient amount of Calcium and Vitamin D every day then your bones will grow stronger. Above all, as we age we experience a great loss in the bone density and with help of regular intake of appropriate supplement the rate decreases.
Calcium and vitamin D supplements help in preventing osteoporosis, it is a medical condition that occurs because of bone weakening and loss. If you want your bones to stay strong then visit your consultant to get your calcium level and bone density checked, in case of any deficiency they will recommend an appropriate dietary supplement.
One of the most beneficial developments in medical field is finding a cure to prevent birth defects and that is through folic acid which is one of the forms of vitamin B. Most of the pregnant women are prescribed a regular intake of multivitamin that contains folic acid, it provides protection against the development of Neural Tube Birth Defects.
Don’t put your baby’s life at risk, visit the healthcare provider to get yourself examined and don’t miss the follow-up sessions. This will help in understanding the condition of the baby and the doctor could change your multivitamin if necessary.
During pregnancies the number of nutrients needed for the mother increases, because it needs to be divided among the baby and her. To fulfill the requirement of nutrients during pregnancy, doctors prenatal multivitamin and multi-mineral supplements. Iodine supplement is essential for the brain development of the baby in the early pregnancy and its deficiency could result in brain damage.
You need to pay attention to your daily nutrient intake levels so that you are not putting your and baby’s life at risk. Remember that you have to take supplements according to the dosage prescribed by the healthcare provider, any overdose can result in complications.
Many multivitamins carry antioxidant properties which are essential for the protection of cell in the body against the everyday ravages. In addition to this antioxidants also helps in the prevention of diseases that develop as a result of accumulated damage by oxidation.
The omega-3 fatty acid is also present in form of supplement, which aids in reducing the risk of heart diseases. Several studies showed that individuals who consume fish that is a natural source of the omega-3 fatty acid show a low risk of heart disease.
Individuals who fail to maintain the desired levels are prescribed with a supplement that contains an omega-3 fatty acid. To be sure that you need such supplement you need to visit a health care provider who can prescribe after a detailed medical examination.
Aging is one of the harsh reality of life but if you want to grow old and have the same level of strength then substantial intake of the supplement is essential. The medical industry has spent years finding out the solution to lowering the rate of aging effects.
They found that a sufficient intake of dietary supplements can help in sustaining the vision, improve the function of lungs, maintain elasticity in the skin, decreases the rate of muscle and bone loss. In addition to these benefits, dietary supplements also regulars the immune system so that the body can fight against diseases.
Those who know that they fail to achieve the required amount of nutrition should get themselves examined by a healthcare provider to know the levels so that the doctor can prescribe the right dietary supplement for you.
One thing you need to keep in mind is that dietary supplements may be good at treating deficiencies and balancing the daily requirement, however, they cannot be substituted for food. If you want to buy supplements at affordable prices then check out the weekly flyers.
Try eating fruits, vegetables, and protein to fulfill the nutrient needs of your body rather than being entirely dependent on supplements.