With the advances of technologies today, some plants can live longer in a harsh environment, and certain foods are tastier and more nutritious.
Why is that? They have been modified. Reading this post is highly recommended for you to discover the truth about GMO products. Are they safe? Now is the time to know.
Understanding GMO Food
GMO is short for Genetically Modified Organism. It’s a living thing —organism, plant, or animal wherein its genetic constitution has been altered in a facility by utilizing genetic engineering or transgenic know-how.
In doing the process, experts combine genes of animal, plant, bacteria, or virus to create a new type. In other words, GMO is something that is beyond the customary cross-breeding process.
Experts go hand in hand to improve the lives of people. Through genetic engineering, new genes are made possible, or endogenous genes can be enriched, reformed, or terminated.
The result of some of their efforts resulted in plants becoming resistant to disease and drought. The breakthrough has helped a lot of farmers and different types of businesses.
Why People Started Modifying Plants, Animals, and Organisms
Curiosity is one of the reasons. But, some of the more sensible reasons are the following:
- To cope with fewer environmental resources —enricher, water, etc.
- To manipulate the use of pesticides
- To boost the production, to decrease the cost, and to prolong the shelf life of food
- Speeding up the growth of plants and animals
- Growing fruits, vegetables or other edible plants that contain less cancer-causing agent when cooked
- Discovering new vaccines and other medications
GE Foods Concerns
Some people have shown apprehensions about GE foods, such as the following:
- Producing foods that can lead to an allergic response or that are poisonous
- Unanticipated or detrimental genetic modifications
- Transferring of genes from one genetically modified animal or plant to another animal or plant that’s not genetically engineered
- Food that is less healthful
Do you know that approximately 50 percent of the American consumers are now avoiding GMO foods? Here are their reasons:
The Innovation is Morally Upsetting
Many people think that knowing scientists are modifying the original genes of animals and plants is morally upsetting. For them, the technique is unnatural — destroying and going beyond what God has planned for everything.
Presence of Toxic Substances
Scientists claim that GMO foods are not harmful to consume by humans. But, have you already explored the link between GMOs and pesticides?
As stated by greenpeace.org, pesticide consumption boomed up to approximately 404 million pounds. That’s a lot since genetically experimented crops were made known back in 1996. The succeeding information will explain why.
Some parts of the world produce a massive amount of GMO seeds. A remarkable example is Monsanto. This producer is brilliant. They have the seeds that can withstand weed killer pesticide, and they also sell the same insecticide.
In the US, it was observed in 2008 that some crops utilize more than 26% more insecticides per acre than crops with plants that are not genetically altered.
You should know that the utilization of pesticide can pose a detrimental effect on the environment. When human consumed the substance, the person becomes ill and will lead to complications.
Furthermore, when harmful chemical reaches water bodies, the marine ecology will turn into a disaster. It will cause ecological imbalance, resulting in economic threats in the end.
Adverse Effect to Mammals
The research concluded that animals fed with GMOs experience internal organ issues. The organs found to be impacted include the following:
- liver
- adrenal glands
- kidney
- heart
- spleen
What’s more surprising is that GMO-fed mammals showed a reduced brain size. It’s really upsetting to know, isn’t it? Animal health experts also cited that they have observed a decline of the immune system of the affected animals.
The Advent of ‘Superweeds’
Nature finds its way in order to survive. For instance, bamboo has existed to withstand extreme situations like storms and strong winds. Following a storm, you’d notice that all the other trees are down except the bamboos. That’s how marvelous God’s intelligence is.
Some crops with GM plants require chemicals to preserve and protect their production. That’s a fact. But, many people might still now know that some things can get in the way to flourish. That happens even without the intervention of humans. For example, massive weeds — superweeds — have evolved since GMOs started.
It was later found out that ‘superweeds’ can resist glyphosate — typical chemical utilized in crops. Now, here’s the repercussion. For the producer to eliminate these useless weeds, they will utilize a stronger compound, and this will have a domino effect in the environment.
GM Crops Contribute to Global Warming
GM crops necessitate synthetic nitrogen fertilizers to achieve a flourishing production? In order to obtain a considerable amount of synthetic N fertilizers, you would need high amounts of fossil fuel for the production.
Do you know that human-made nitrogen fertilizers release nitrous oxide? Nitrous oxide is a harmful greenhouse element. It is 300 more powerful than carbon monoxide or CO.
Most people know that global warming is becoming worse because of CO build-up in the atmosphere. The big blocks of ice in the south and north poles are melting to increasing hotness in the environment.
GMO Experts’ Stand
GMOs are living things wherein their genes have been transformed by scientists. People continuously deliberate about the effects of GMOs on the planet and other bodies.
The benefits and saying that the products are 100% safe haven’t been ascertained entirely. Experts are still looking for credible reasons that the said technology could bring long-term success. The repercussions are still in a gray area.
Deterring Beneficial Insects
Ecologists and the like don’t stop to observe and analyze the real effects of GM products on living things and the environment. Some of their observations include drastic monarch butterfly mortalities. Upon discovery, beneficial insects that come in contact with artificially-made chemicals quickly die.
Bonus Info
The United States of America, Argentina, Canada, and some countries don’t oblige mandatory GMO labeling. So far, the binding ruling is implemented in 64 countries.
Final Thoughts
Experts in GMO procedures want to solve world hunger. For them, no challenge is more striking and rewarding than feeding 9 billion individuals or more. But, is the breakthrough really worth it?
It’s up to you to decide. You can still do earth-friendly traditional gardening – support local producers. Most farmers will tell you if their produce is non-GMO or GMO. You can also start your own garden. Here is a cute read on how to get rid of chipmunks without harming them.