The heart is one of the most vital organs in the human body which is responsible for multiple essential functions without which the body would cease to exist. The heart is a small organ and takes on a huge load which can cause it to become stressed when the right care is not taken.
Heart-related diseases can be caused due to multiple reasons like stress, genetic disorders, lack of exercise, and so on. Cardiovascular disease is one of the leading causes of death in the world, in both men and women.
Though the disease is often known as a man’s disease, it is a highly incorrect statement. The disease can occur in women just as common in men, and some reports mention that one in three women die every year from heart attacks or strokes.
Heart disease is also more common in those who are older, but in today’s fast-moving world, the condition in younger people is also seen to be rapidly increasing. Heart disease, especially stroke or cardiovascular arrest can occur without any symptoms till it is too late.
This is the reason these diseases are often referred to as silent killers, marking the urgent necessity to determine risk factors much before recognizing any symptoms. Recognizing the signs on an early note and opting for preventive treatment in the initial stages is very important in curing these diseases.
Bangalore is a city that is esteemed for the presence of great hospitals and medical facilities. Here are some signs and factors which should make you book a consultation with the best cardiac hospital in Bangalore today.
Red Flags Telling You it’s Time to Book a Consultation
1. Discomfort in the chest
Chest pain can be caused due to a broad array of diseases or occurring in the body, including gas, congestion, and so on. It could also be a sign of heartburn, pain in the mid-chest.
This pain is also associated with being a symptom of heart diseases and so any occurrence of chest pain must be checked out. Head over to a physician to rule out any possibility of a heart-related problem.
2. If You’re a Smoker
If you have been or are a chain smoker, there is an increased risk of heart disease. Smoking is known to cause damage to the lining of the arteries and can contribute to high blood pressure and blockage of arteries. Smoking is also associated with causing heartburn. If you’re a smoker, you should consult a cardiologist to determine any risks you may have.
3. High Blood Pressure
High B.P indicates that the force with which blood is flowing through the arteries is too high. If this high pressure prolongs over an extended time, it can cause potentially life-threatening damage to the arteries.
4. Diabetes
Elevated blood glucose levels in a diabetic person can end up damaging blood vessels and the nerves that control the heart, in extreme situations. Additionally, patients with Type 2 Diabetes can be prone to additional conditions like high blood pressure, cholesterol, and even obesity.
5. Gum disease
Gum disease like periodontitis can be very harmful to the entire body, including your heart. It is caused by bacteria in the mouth which causes inflammation, which puts more stress on the heart. Further, the bacteria in your gums can also travel down to other parts of your body if left untreated for a prolonged period.
6. High Cholesterol or obesity
The body produces two kinds of cholesterol, HDL and LDL. LDL has the potential to block arteries and contribute to plaque build-up. When there are excessive LDL levels, the imbalance can cause heart diseases. Obesity also contributes to heart diseases in the same form, owing to the build-up of plaque in the arteries.
What to Expect from your first consultation
When you visit a cardiologist for the first time, there are a few things you can do beforehand to make the process simpler. You can make a list of the questions you want to ask and the symptoms you are experiencing along with gathering some relevant information that would come in handy during the visit.
Your cardiologist will ask about your health and family health history, a recent list of medication you’re on, your symptoms and then accordingly might run several diagnostic tests like blood tests and stress tests amongst others, to determine your condition.
Remember that prolonging your visit to a cardiologist might not be the best option and ensure that you closely track any symptoms you may be facing. Ensure that you visit the best cardiology hospital in Bangalore so you can be assured that your health will be taken care of.