How to Know If Someones Read Your Text Message on WhatsApp?

WhatsApp has become the most popular mobile messaging platform today. While almost everyone uses WhatsApp everyday to chat, share pictures, forward nice quotes or jokes, sometimes perform voice calls if they are on a free Wi-Fi, but still many of the WhatsApp users are unaware of the little secrets and functions offered by the application.
I am here to share one of such secrets tricks of WhatsApp which is an easy tool to satisfy your curiosity of knowing if he/she has read your message or not.
When you send him/her a message on WhatsApp, there is a natural excitement of him/her seeing your message and replying to it. Sometimes it’s difficult to wait for him/her to reply.
And you might think that perhaps they haven’t received your message yet. Here is how to end that dilemma of whether your text has been delivered and read or not.
1. Just go to the conversation chat window of WhatsApp where you have typed and sent your message to him/her.
2. If towards the “right side” of the message, you see a single tick, it means your message has been sent from your end. If it shows a double tick there, it suggests that your message has been delivered to their mobile. If the double tick shown there turns blue, this suggests that they have read your message.
3. So, have they read your message and still there is no reply? Well might be they are busy somewhere or they have actually seen the text right now and are just thinking of typing back to you. How to know when he/she has read your text? It’s simple – you can also get to know exactly how many minutes back have they read you.
4. Just keep that particular message “pressed for a few seconds”.
5. On the top, you’ll get an ‘i’ symbol there enclosed within a circle.
6. Click on that symbol.
7. You will be shown when has he/she read your message and when was it delivered.
So, from now onwards you can always check when they have read your message.