In 2000, the FDA approved the very first Bard PowerPort device. Since then, it has been used as a port catheter to implant beneath the patient’s skin to offer easy and long-term access. That‌ helped to deliver intravenous fluids, medication, blood products, and nutrition solutions.

However, there have been instances of the port catheter device cracking, migrating, or getting fractured. All these complications have led to dangerous blood clots, severe infections, cardiac punctures, and several other chronic injuries.

Today, multiple patients have filed Bard PowerPort lawsuits suing the manufacturer for a defective design that led to dangerous complications. They also complained that the manufacturer didn’t warn the patients and the medical community about the potential health hazards.

This article will shed light on patients’ sufferings because of Bard PowerPort devices and necessary recovery tips that can help.

Sa’Da Chester’s Tragic Account With Bard PowerPort

In October 2023, shared the story of Sa’Da Chester, an Illinois woman who had filed a Bard Power Port lawsuit after using it. Her complaint stated that the port catheter left fragments of the device in her heart.

Chester shared that in 2020, the device was implanted in her left internal jugular vein to manage chemotherapy for treating her breast cancer. In November 2021, an X-ray chest exam report informed her that a fragment of the port device was in her right atrium. The device got pierced through the azygos vein at the rear right of the chest.

Even though the doctors tried to remove the fractured port, they failed to take it away completely. This happened because the device got encased in her fibrin sheath, which had collagen buildup and blood clots. After several attempts, the port catheter device was removed through sheath Insertion.

Chester had to undergo painful surgeries to get the device removed. It not only weakened her overall health but also led to immense pain and suffering.

Maryland Cancer Patient Affected by Bard PowerPort

In October 2023, a Drugwatch report shared the story of Johanna Randow, a cancer patient from Maryland, and her experience with Bard PowerPort. She alleged the manufacturer of Bard Infuse-A-Port for its faulty device design. Similar to Chester, the device fragments were found in her heart too, leading to a pulmonary embolism.

She filed her product liability lawsuit, making the device manufacturer accountable for design defects that can affect humans. Also, she points to the unmindfulness of the manufacturer as they didn’t update the medical community about this health hazard.

Other Side Effects of Bard PowerPort

The port catheter device can break, migrate to your heart, cause pulmonary embolism, and lead to other health hazards. A few of them include:

  • Breathing issues
  • Drainage at the port location
  • Inflammation
  • Fever
  • Swelling

To date, lawyers are accepting cases from people who’ve experienced acute health hazards after using the Bard PowerPort device. Some other injuries include infection, cardiac punctures, excess pain, blood vessel perforation, and tearing of other tissues and organs.

The Steps to Recovery

Once you have been affected by the Bard PowerPort, you would want to remove the device as soon as possible. However, it is necessary to look at the present injuries and ensure your sufferings don’t go unnoticed. The essential steps to recovery include:

File a Lawsuit

TorHoerman Law states that it is necessary to consult a lawyer who will help to determine if you qualify for a lawsuit and guide you accordingly. Once you do, they will build a strong case and present it to the court. They will also update you on your settlement payment amount, which you can use to pay for medicines and surgeries needed to treat the condition.

Consult a Doctor

It is also essential to get in touch with a doctor if you find something abnormal. For instance, pulmonary embolism will come with symptoms like low blood pressure, dizziness, or lightheadedness. A doctor can provide the right medication so that you feel relieved and pursue the correct line of treatment.

The moment you feel that the device implantation could have gone wrong, you must take action. Allow the doctors to opt for surgery to take out the port catheter and make you free from all complications.

Get Good Rest

It will take time to heal from a pulmonary embolism and other health hazards caused by this port catheter device. Since patients undergo one or many surgeries to correct the complications caused by the Bard PowerPort, it’s natural to feel weak. Hence, it is necessary to get adequate rest so that the body can restore itself from within.


There have been several incidents where people have been affected by the defective design of Bard PowerPort. It is necessary to seek medical intervention and share the relevant details with medical professionals.

They will help to remove any port catheter that got fractured through surgeries. Patients should be aware of the sufferings mentioned above and implement the necessary steps to recover.